Fresh Coast Smile

We are your Marquette based laser cosmetic teeth whitening studio. We proudly serve the Upper Peninsula as the first studio to solely offer laser teeth whitening, giving us the ability to focus on providing the best service to our clients. Jen is our founder and teeth whitening specialist. She comes with a dental background of almost 18 years, and has a strong passion for the beauty industry. Your teeth whitening session will leave you feeling extra confident, giving you amazing results up to 4-10 shades lighter than when you first arrived, with results lasting anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. You can expect to feel very minimal, to no sensitivity. The typical client reports of no sensitivity after completing a laser teeth whitening session. Our 60 minute whitening sessions are ideal for adults 18+ seeking a whiter, brighter smile. This session consists of 2 rounds of whitening gel, at 30 minutes per round, and requires an appointment time of 1 hr & 30 minutes. Our 30 minute whitening sessions are ideal for teens ages 16-18, or for anyone seeking a “touch-up”. This session consists of 2 rounds of whitening gel, at 15 minutes per round, and requires an appointment time of 1 hour. You will be happy to know that our products are FDA approved, and plant based with vitamins. They are 100% safe, and cruelty free. They are also vegan friendly, gluten free, and non-GMO. We are here to help serve you in achieving a more confident smile. 😁 **each time you refer a friend, you receive $10.00 off, once they have completed their first session. The more clients you refer, the higher the discount (ex: refer 5 new clients, get a total of $50.00 off, once each new client completes their first whitening session)**

Business Hours

9 AM - 4 PM
8 AM - 1 PM

Cancellation Policy

We get it that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel. If you are unable to make the appointment, please kindly notify Fresh Coast Smile at 9062503429 or as soon as possible to reschedule.